Sunday, October 7, 2012

10/7 Announcements


Weekly Announcements:

*Youth Choir: 10/10 6pm at church. 
*Young Women Activities: 10/10: 
        -Laurels: Cooking. 7pm at Sis. Pendleton's house.
        -Mia Maids: Don't live your life in the dark. 7pm at church.
        -Beehives: Game Night. 7pm at church. Bring your favorite game to play.
*Stake Youth Fireside: Sunday 10/14 8am Wakefield Chapel
*YW In Excellence: Wed 10/17 7pm--Start preparing to have something to present.
*Young Women Activities: 10/24
         -Laurels/Beehives: Airborne. 6pm--meet at church. SIGN ONLINE WAIVER and please bring $8.
         -Mia Maids: Corn Maze. More info to come.