Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10/14 Announcements

(SORRY we are late with the announcements!!)

Weekly Announcements:

*YW In Excellence: Wed 10/17 7pm--Please let us know if you need any last minute help preparing something to present. You can present anything; a picture/object representing what you did, something you made, etc. It can also be something that you are currently working on. It can be a small experience or a 10hr project.
           NOTE: We will not have the gym for this activity. We will do it in the RS room. If you had something you wanted to present on the stage, talk to Sister Kiernan to work out how to present your work! Thanks!!!
*Young Women Activities: 10/24
         -Laurels/Beehives: Airborne. 6pm--meet at church. SIGN ONLINE WAIVER and please bring $8.
         -Mia Maids: Corn Maze. More info to come.