Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April: The Apostasy and The Restoration

Why is Joseph Smith so important to our church? There is so much we can learn from him. 1st-Study the scriptures! Joseph and his family spent a lot of time studying the scriptures. By loving and knowing the scriptures he was prompted to pray. With that simple humble prayer he changed the world! 2nd-Pray! Never be afraid to pray to your loving Heavenly Father. He is there to answer any and all questions we have about life. 3rd-Never give up on the Lord! After the First Vision Joseph Smith went years without any other visits. He spent those years standing true by what he had see and new was true. He waited patiently for the Lord. We must always remember that the Lord is aware of us, that in His time, all will be understood.
He was truly an amazing prophet and we can be blessed by following his great example!!