Tuesday, April 30, 2013

May: Prophets and Revelation

We are blessed to have a prophet on earth today. We need living prophets to guide and direct us. We can learn many things that pertain specifically to us in our day. Listening to and heeding the prophets words will bless our lives, and the lives of those around us as well.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

4/28 Announcements

Weekly Announcements:

* YW Class Activities---Wed., May 1st 7pm.
*Fast Sunday---Sun., May 5th.
*Camp Kick-Off!! ---Wed., May 8th 7pm.
*BYC---Sun., May 12th.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April: The Apostasy and The Restoration

The Book of Mormon is meant to be ANOTHER testament of Jesus Christ. It is meant to work with the Bible. By reading it we can become closer to our Savior and Heavenly Father.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

4/21 Announcements

Weekly Announcements:

*Class Activities---Wed., Apr. 24th 7pm.
*Combined YW---Wed., May 1st 7pm.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April: The Apostasy and The Restoration

One of the great blessings we have received from the Restoration of Christ's church is the Priesthood. The Priesthood is God's power that can be used to bless us in this life.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

4/14 Announcements

Weekly Announcements:

*BYC and Fast Sunday---Today! 
*Combined YW/YM---Wed., Apr. 17th 7pm. Please wear a white shirt and tennis shoes!!
*Class Activities---Wed., Apr. 24th 7pm.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April: The Apostasy and The Restoration

Why is Joseph Smith so important to our church? There is so much we can learn from him. 1st-Study the scriptures! Joseph and his family spent a lot of time studying the scriptures. By loving and knowing the scriptures he was prompted to pray. With that simple humble prayer he changed the world! 2nd-Pray! Never be afraid to pray to your loving Heavenly Father. He is there to answer any and all questions we have about life. 3rd-Never give up on the Lord! After the First Vision Joseph Smith went years without any other visits. He spent those years standing true by what he had see and new was true. He waited patiently for the Lord. We must always remember that the Lord is aware of us, that in His time, all will be understood.
He was truly an amazing prophet and we can be blessed by following his great example!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

4/7 Annoucements

Weekly Annoucements:

*General Conference---TODAY! Listen to our wonderful Prophet!!!
*Class Activities---Wed., Apr. 10th 7pm.
*BYC and Fast Sunday---Sun., Apr. 14th. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April: The Apostasy and The Restoration

Reminder: Tonight's Activity is at 5:30PM at the church!!!!! Please don't be late!!!!!

When Jesus Christ lived on the earth He established His church. With the help of His apostles they spread this gospel. Unfortunately once Christ and all the disciples had died, the church died with it. While many churches today have parts of Christ's gospel and the good that comes with it, they don't have all of it. That is where Joseph Smith comes in. Jesus Christ helped him restore His church. It is always important to remember that we belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This is His church and we must do all we can to live and love like He did while he lived on this earth.