Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Welcome to the New Year! We are so excited for the wonderful things that are going to happen in the Youth program this year! Here are a few on the 2013 changes:

1) This year's theme is 'Stand ye in Holy Places and be not moved.' We have put this years song on the side bar for you to enjoy. You can also click on the theme picture to be lead to for more wonderful videos about this year's theme.

2)There is a new curriculum which means every month we will study a different topic. Each month we will have a link on the side bar that will take you to where you can learn more about that month's topic. There are so many wonderful scriptures, talks, videos and Personal Progress ideas!

3) Personal Progress can be done online and we are really excited about it! For those young women who would prefer to do their personal progress online instead of in a PP book please come talk to us about how to get signed up!! Again, we also have a link on the side bar leading you to the PP website on!

Love, Your leaders!