Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January: The Godhead

This week we want to focus on the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the 3rd member of the Godhead and is very important. Have you ever had a feeling? That something was right or wrong? That is the Holy Ghost, quietly whispering to you. If you listen to him he will help you stay on the right path! He can help you find much happiness!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

1/27 Announcements

Weekly Announcements:

*New Beginnings---Wed., Jan 30th. 7pm Casual Dress & Parents invited!
*Combined YW----Wed., Feb 6th. MEETING AT 5:30!!!! Don't be late! :)
*Oakcrest Meeting---Thurs., Feb 7th. 6pm in the Primary Room! ALL 6th and 7th graders who want to attend Oakcrest this year need to be at this meeting. Sister Oakes will give you more information in the coming week!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January: The Godhead

This week we want to focus on our Savior Jesus Christ. Gordan B. Hinckley said, "Nothing done before or since has so affected mankind as the atonement wroght by Jesus of Nazareth, who died on Calvary's cross, was buried in the tomb, and on the third day arose from the grave as the Living Son of the Living God--The Savior and Redeemer of the world."
Because of the atonement of Jesus Christ we can have joy, peace, love, repentance and eternal life. He is the perfect example of how to life our lives.

Monday, January 21, 2013

1/20 Announcements

Weekly Announcements:

*Class Activities---Wed., Jan 23rd. 7pm
       -Beehives are at Sister Oakes' house!!
*New Beginnings---Wed., Jan 30th. Casual Dress & Parents invited!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January: The Godhead

This week we want to focus on our Heavenly Father. He is literally the Father of our sweet Spirits and He loves you dearly. Know that you can always turn to Him in your times of need as well as your times of need. We can always pray to Him for help, comfort, guidance and understanding. He has put forth a plan on this earth so that we can one day return to live with Him. He wants to see us happy and has all the tools we need to be truly happy!

Monday, January 14, 2013

1/13 Announcements

Weekly Announcements:

*NO ACTIVITY---Wed., Jan 16th.
*Youth Devotional---Sun., Jan 20th. 5pm
*Class Activities---Wed., Jan 23rd. 7pm
       -Beehives are at Sister Oakes' house!!
*New Beginnings---Wed., Jan 30th. Casual Dress & Parents invited!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January: The Godhead

The 3 members of the Godhead are 3 distinct individuals with the same purpose. Think of them as a candle.
-Heavenly Father is the candle, the base.
-Jesus Christ is the flame, the light of the world.
-The Holy Ghost is the oxygen needed for the flame to burn, not seen but still necessary to see the light!  
They work together to bring us joy and light!

Monday, January 7, 2013

1/6 Annoucements

Weekly Announcements:

*Combined YM/YW Activity---Wed., Jan 9th at 7pm: 2013 Theme Kick Off! (Sunday Dress!)
*NO ACTIVITY---Wed., Jan 16th. Plan an activity with your family for Ward Conference!
*Youth Devotional---Sun., Jan 30th at 5pm.
*Class Activities---Wed., Jan 23rd at 7pm
       -Beehives are at Sister Oakes' house!!
*New Beginnings---Wed., Jan 30th. Casual Dress & Parents invited!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Welcome to the New Year! We are so excited for the wonderful things that are going to happen in the Youth program this year! Here are a few on the 2013 changes:

1) This year's theme is 'Stand ye in Holy Places and be not moved.' We have put this years song on the side bar for you to enjoy. You can also click on the theme picture to be lead to for more wonderful videos about this year's theme.

2)There is a new curriculum which means every month we will study a different topic. Each month we will have a link on the side bar that will take you to where you can learn more about that month's topic. There are so many wonderful scriptures, talks, videos and Personal Progress ideas!

3) Personal Progress can be done online and we are really excited about it! For those young women who would prefer to do their personal progress online instead of in a PP book please come talk to us about how to get signed up!! Again, we also have a link on the side bar leading you to the PP website on!

Love, Your leaders!