Saturday, August 18, 2012

Moving Forward

THANK YOU to everyone who made camp such a great week!!! We are working on a cd and hope to get it out in a few weeks!

As for this website: We will continue to use it for activity information. We will also post any pictures we take at activities.

Enjoy your weekend!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Girls Camp: Thursday

Enjoying Dinner on Bishopric Night
Brother Permann Dancing!
Brother Visser Dancing!
YES! Bishop Anderson Dancing!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Girls Camp: Tuesday

Hike to the lake!
Getting ready for.....

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Girls Camp: Monday

We will be posting a few highlights from each day! We are working on putting together a cd of all pictures for you! Enjoy! We loved having you at camp!
Sister Pendleton's Arise and Shine FHE
Making lanterns
Showing off our lanterns!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Welcome back!

Welcome back ladies! We hope that you had such an amazing time at camp! As your leaders we enjoyed your company and are so grateful for the time we got to spend with you!

Since we had a few cameras we ask that you email any pictures you may have to Sister Oakes. (Call or ask her on Sunday for her email). We are going to put a CD together so that you can have lots of pictures! :)

We will post a few pictures over the next few days that highlight our week!

We love you! Thank for a GREAT week!

Love, your leaders

Sunday, August 5, 2012

1 day left!

Pack your stuff, shut out the world, and feel confident that you have prepared to have a super spiritual and amazingly fun experience at GIRLS CAMP 2012!!! Way to SHINE!!!

With much love, your leaders:
Sis. Pedleton
Sis. Kiernan
Sis. Oakes
Sis. Greenwood
Sis. Telford
Sis. Hawker

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Helpful Hints

Electronics at camp are a big no-no. Make sure you text or call your friends to let them know you will be unreachable the night before camp at the latest. Leave it all at home. No last minute texting, calling, facebooking, etc once you arrive at the church to board the bus.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Helpful Hints

Push yourself and walk 1 mile today!!!

NOTE: Hey there camp is in a few SHORT days, do you have everything? Take a look at the packing list that is on the side bar!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Helpful Hints

Don't forget to bring a sack lunch with you for the first day of camp!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Perfect Example

John 13:1-16 (read HERE)

Why did Jesus wash the feet of His disciples? What does this teach us about service?